Value Picks

Wouldn’t it be brilliant if there was a tool to help you work out which wines represent the best value for money?  Well look no further; our Value Pick indicator algorithm puts that knowledge at your fingertips.

Analysing the very latest price data and reviews from our partner critics, Wine Lister’s algorithm awards Value Pick status to those wines that achieve the best quality to price ratio (with a proprietary weighting giving more importance to quality, thus allowing the finest wines a look-in).  Crucially, Value Picks are awarded at vintage not wine level.

Here are Wine Lister’s newest Value Picks:


Wine Lister’s prices per bottle are provided by our price partner, Wine Owners, whose own proprietary algorithms process millions of rows of incoming price data from Wine-Searcher to calculate a more realistic Market Level price – the price at which a wine is likely to find a ready buyer – based on market supply and spread models.  Wine Owners believe lower retail prices will sell first, hence their price may be below the Wine-Searcher average in some instances.  As you can see, using this method, each of the new Value Picks is priced at £25 or under, with the cheapest costing just £11 (excluding tax).

Furthermore, other than William Fèvre Chablis (64/100), all of these wines have an average critic score of 74-77/100 on Wine Lister’s rebased, calibrated scale (where any score above the average of 40-60/100 is strong).  Underlining their appellations’ reputation for excellent value, two sweet white Bordeaux feature in the list: Coutet Premier Cru 2007, from Barsac, and Rayne-Vigneau Premier Cru 2013, from Sauternes.  Each earning an average critic score of 77 and with plenty of life still in them, these represent remarkable value for money.

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